Iranian Family Lawyer in Melbourne

Sina Taghdir LLB
Your Family Lawyer in Dandenong

Many Iranians living in and around Melbourne prefer to work with an Iranian family lawyer simply because they feel they can communicate better as they share the same language and the same culture.

For an Iranian family living in Australia, therefore, it is often recommended to find a lawyer, who speaks Farsi, in the same area they live. This ensures effective communication and helps the Iranians better understand the legal process and their rights.

An Iranian family lawyer who understands both Australian and Iranian culture, can provide more tailored and culturally sensitive advice, making the legal experience less stressful and more comprehensible.

This is particularly important in complex family law matters involving divorce, child custody, and property settlements.

My law firm in Melbourne and Dandenong, is dedicated to providing compassionate legal representation to individuals and families facing a wide range of family law.

Finding a suitable family lawyer, however, is not very easy because many families are not familiar with all the resources and references. Moreover, many Iranian family lawyers are not known to the Iranian community in Dandenong.

As an Iranian family lawyer, Sina Taghdir offers his services to all Iranians and Farsi-speaking clients all across Victoria including Dandenong and Melbourne.

مزایای کار کردن با یک وکیل ایرانی در استرالیا

داشتن وکیل ایرانی در استرالیا مزایای متعددی دارد. این مزایا باعث می‌شود فرآیند حقوقی شما ساده‌تر و موثرتر پیش برود و شما این اطمینان خاطر را پیدا کنید که وکیلتان به بهترین شکل ممکن از حقوق و منافع شما دفاع می‌کند

تسلط بر زبان فارسی: یک وکیل ایرانی در استرالیا می‌تواند به راحتی با شما به زبان فارسی ارتباط برقرار کند، که این موضوع به ویژه در موارد حقوقی پیچیده بسیار مفید است

آشنایی با فرهنگ ایرانی: وکیلی که با فرهنگ و رسوم ایرانی آشنا باشد، می‌تواند بهتر نیازها و خواسته‌های شما را درک کند و خدمات بهتری ارائه دهد

تجربه در موارد مشابه: وکلای ایرانی ممکن است تجربه بیشتری در موارد حقوقی مربوط به ایرانیان مقیم استرالیا داشته باشند و بتوانند راهنمایی‌های موثرتری ارائه دهند

شبکه‌سازی: وکلای ایرانی در استرالیا ممکن است شبکه‌ای از دیگر متخصصان و افراد مفید در جامعه ایرانی داشته باشند که می‌تواند به حل مسائل شما کمک کند

آشنایی با قوانین مهاجرتی و اقامتی ایران و استرالیا: وکلای ایرانی که در استرالیا فعالیت می‌کنند، معمولاً با قوانین هر دو کشور آشنایی دارند و می‌توانند در مسائل مربوط به مهاجرت و اقامت به شما کمک کنند


With years of experience in family law, our attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to handle even the most complex cases.

Family law all across Victoria, Australia, operates under the federal Family Law Act 1975, which governs various aspects of family relationships and disputes.

As an Iranian expat living in Australia you may find it useful to read the following information on different aspects of Family Law in Australia.

Key Areas of Family Law in Melbourne

Marriage and De Facto Relationships

  • Marriage: Legal requirements for marriage, including age and consent.
  • De Facto Relationships: Rights and obligations for couples living together without being married, including same-sex couples.


  • No-Fault Divorce: Australia has a no-fault divorce system, meaning the only ground for divorce is the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage, evidenced by 12 months of separation.
  • Application Process: Either party can apply for a divorce through the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

Property and Financial Settlements:

  • Asset Division: Equitable distribution of assets, considering factors like the length of the relationship, contributions (financial and non-financial), and future needs.
  • Superannuation: Considered part of the property and can be divided between parties.

Parenting Arrangements

  • Best Interests of the Child: Primary consideration in making parenting orders, focusing on the child’s safety, emotional and developmental needs, and maintaining relationships with both parents.
  • Parenting Plans: Voluntary agreements between parents regarding the care and welfare of their children.

Child Support

  • Assessment: Calculated by the Department of Human Services based on the income of both parents, the time spent with the child, and other factors.
  • Agreements: Parents can make private arrangements for child support, which can be formalized through binding child support agreements.

Spousal Maintenance

  • Eligibility: One party may be required to provide financial support to the other if they cannot meet their own reasonable expenses from their income or assets.

Family Violence

  • Protection Orders: Legal measures to protect individuals from family violence, including intervention orders (IVO) issued by Magistrates’ Courts.

Courts and Processes

•⁠ ⁠Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia: Handles most family law cases, including divorce, property settlements, and parenting orders.
•⁠ ⁠State Courts: Can issue protection orders related to family violence.

Dispute Resolution

•⁠ ⁠Mediation and Family Dispute Resolution (FDR): Encouraged before court proceedings, helping parties reach agreements outside of court.
•⁠ ⁠Legal Aid: Available for those who meet certain criteria, providing assistance in family law matters.

Sina Taghdir LLB
Family Lawyer

Call & Discuss Your Case
03 9794 8668